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Automatic data transfer from
most EHR / EMR vendors

Browse our partners

Making decisions in real time requires a seamless flow of data. SHP sets the industry standard for software integration across your hospice. We collaborate with EHR and other organizations to streamline and automate the transfer of data through a secure online process. This ensures that you get all the benefits of SHP solutions while working with the software you already use. To-date, SHP has partnered with most hospice software vendors to automatically receive data at least once a day. We are able to get Hospice Item Set data from all EHR companies; our more than 15 industry interfaces allow us to get even more data fields automatically in a timely manner.

Allegheny Corporation Logo Axxess Logo
Barnestorm Logo Brightree Logo
Carefacts Logo Careficient Logo
Carevoyant Logo Cerner Logo
Complia Health Logo CPSI logo
Deltahealth Logo Devero Logo
Epic Logo FGA Inc Logo
FootprintsEMR Logo Healthware Logo
Homecare Homebase Logo Horizon Logo
Hospice Engine Logo Hospice MD Logo
Hospice Works HPMS logo
jncloud logo Kantime logo
Meditech Logo Mumms logo
Netsmart logo Optima HCS logo
Thornberry logo WellSky logo

If you do not see your vendor listed, please contact us. We work with all EHR vendors to get access to your data real-time.